{Guest Blog} The Silent Killer: The Dupatta by Amplified Soul

I am honoured today to welcome Shobana from Amplified Soul Make-up + Hair Couture as a guest blogger. Amplified Soul has become one of the most sought-after make up and hair teams in the wedding industry, and they have the exquisite (and rightful) honour of being listed in The Wedluxe Glitterati. In today’s post, Shobana shares her expertise about the dupatta setting, which, oddly, is often an afterthought even though it is central to a South Asian bride’s look. I remember purposely choosing a light dupatta, with simple detail for my wedding outfit so I wouldn’t be weighed down. However, in terms of styling, I didn’t even think about it. I figured a dupatta is set in one way and there’s not much else. In her article, Shobana trumps that idea pretty quickly, describes the factors that influence a dupatta setting, and reviews the range of options available to the modern-day South Asian bride. Enjoy! (All photos, unless otherwise noted, are courtesy of Amplified Soul.)


Of all the planning that goes into a wedding, the frequently overlooked factor is the dupatta. The beautifully adorned piece of fabric affects your look, comfort, and outfit security. It can be very light or heavy, applying weight to your head, shoulders, and back.

Avoid the hunchback syndrome by choosing a lighter version. Net is your best friend without compromising the beauty or elegance of your look. It’s the quality of work that makes it spectacular, not the quantity of work; this is especially important for shorter or petite ladies. You want to wear the dupatta, not have it wear you. Ideally, choose a light dupatta with a light to medium border. Make sure the lining on the border isn’t stiff, otherwise it won’t have a flowing quality. Factors to consider for the border include: material, lining, crown, width, & weight.

When wearing the dupatta on your head, have a strong blouse to support with the right lining, bra holders, and a blouse tie at the back, so the weight of your dupatta doesn’t cause your blouse to sag.

Dupatta Settings:

There are several dupatta setting options to choose from when draping a dupatta on your head. Important factors include the height of the dupatta and the style of your hair: 

  • Dupatta heights can include: no height, natural (moderate), majestic/rani (high)
  • Hair options can include: no part, centre part, side part, front poof, finger curls, bangs
  • You also want to consider whether you want to remove the dupatta after–this will also influence the dupatta setting you go with.

Real Bride examples of Dupatta Settings:

Option 1: Poofed front, Low Dupatta Setting; hair was styled to facilitate easy removal of the dupatta

Option 2: Traditional Slicked Center Part, Moderate Dupatta Setting

Option 3: Traditional, Peek-a-boo, Loose Center Part, Moderate Dupatta Setting

Option 4: Peek-a-boo, No Part, Moderate Dupatta Setting

Option 5: No Part, Moderate Dupatta Setting

Option 6: Center Part, High Dupatta Setting

Option 7: A growing trend: wearing your hair down. Styles that work well are half up, half down, waves to one side, a vintage braid, or finger curls


Thinking back, my dupatta setting was a cross between Option 3 and Option 6. If I could do it again, I would go for the last option. I really love the romantic feel of this setting. Rather than leaving my hair out, though,  I would opt for a vintage braid with a modern…parandi! Yes, I said parandi!! The following look would be my inspiration:

Definitely not your Aunty's parandi! Image from fash4girl.com.

Thanks to Shobana for her informative guest post! For more on the trend-setting Amplified Soul team, check out their site and their blog.



Eyes that Pop by Amplified Soul

Tired of the same, boring make up look?

Then forgo the matchy-matchy eyeshadow and introduce a pair of opposites to your eye make up repertoire:

Thanks to the stylish Shobanna from Amplified Soul for sharing this pic.

The above image is a teaser from the glam Amplified Soul team’s new collection (more to come soon!!). By having fun and playing with colours that contrast and complement your outfit, your face will be the star attraction.

To get this look: choose a base coat that is similar to your outfit colour(s) and then apply a complementary colour on top of your black eyeliner. You will add a pop to your eyes and your make up (and you!) will look amazing in pictures…just like the one above!

(For those wondering what the heck a complementary colour is…complementary colours are those found on opposite sides of the colour wheel, such as red and green. Check out this site for some colour edumacation.)
